About Us
Mike and Dorothy have worked in the landscaping business for almost 45 and 35 years respectively.
Mike started working for KP Sumner in the 1970’s, and worked his way through the ranks. He worked along side Ken until the late 1990’s when he took over. Mike and Dorothy also ran HL Tractors from 1997 until 2005 when they sold it, but KP continues today. It was during his time working with tractors that Mike’s passion for agricultural vehicles and their road use developed, and lead to his work on the book Agricultural Vehicles on the Road.
Mike and Dorothy decided to start One Ash Training in 2008, when they were finding it difficult to source training for their own employees. The first course they ran was Transport of Animals.
Their daughter, Laura joined in 2012. Laura is now Managing Director, ensuring the office runs smoothly and training is high quality. As a truly family run company, we’re often visited by Laura’s children who are themselves agricultural vehicle enthusiasts.
Today we work with a select group of trainers, who we know and trust to deliver high quality, engaging training. We have also adopted Emma and June into the office, to process the vast mountain of certificates that our trainers bring!
One Ash training offers agricultural training, horticultural training and arboricultural training throughout the North West including Lancashire, Merseyside, Wirral, Cheshire and Manchester.